Enhancement - i-MSCP tools are now available on packagist.org

  • Enhancement - i-MSCP tools are now know as i-MSCP addon and are available on packagist.org

    Today, we added composer support for i-MSCP. That allows us to keep our main repository free of any 3rd party tool such as PhpMyAdmin, AjaxPlorer and Roundcube... From now, when you will download an i-MSCP release or clone our main repository, the tools will no longer be there. Instead, the installer will fetch them automatically when needed.

    That allows:

    • Easy maintenance for the development team. One 3rd party tool = one repository
    • Release archive more small (about of 60% of gain)
    • Any admin will now be able to update tools by simply running the imscp-autoinstall or imscp-setup script without having to update its i-MSCP version.

    Of course, to avoid to the installer to fetch the packages again and again, a cache has been implemented. You can force cleanup of that cache by using the --clean-addons command line option available for both the imscp-autoinstall script and the imscp-setup script. use the --help option to see all available command line options.

    What next ?

    In near future, the installer will ask you about what addons you want install and we will add several alternatives such as

    - AfterLogic : http://www.afterlogic.org/webmail-lite

    MySQL Web administration tools
    - MyWebSQL : http://mywebsql.net/
    - Adminer : http://www.adminer.org
    - Chive : http://www.chive-project.com
    - DbNinja : http://www.dbninja.com/
    - phpMyBackupPro : http://www.phpmybackuppro.net

    Web Statistics tools
    - Piwik : http://piwik.org

    - eXtplorer : http://extplorer.sourceforge.net/

    Of course, you will be able to install many of them at same time.

    You can see list of available addon for i-MSCP here: https://packagist.org/search/?q=imscp

    Feel free to ask fof other addon.

    Thanks for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().