migration from ispcp

  • The mail passwords are corrects, i tried with my email address, this is the oldest in the system.

    I haven't problem, but maybe i just never try to directly login from ispcp to pma. This server was installed on 2007-12-07 with Debian Etch and the actual ispcp version. I upgraded ispcp and i upgraded the OS too (Etch -> Lenny -> Squeeze). Only 2-3 users use pma on this server, the other databases was created by me, because i developed all other site. I created all databases and db users in ispcp, but i used these logins only in my php code. I login to pma with root because i working on multiple sites every day, maybe that's why i can't see the problem until now.

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch

  • Then this issue is while migrating from ispcp 1.0.0 rc6 to ispcp 1.0.0 rc7. Long time ago :)

  • The new database's passwords are wrong too. I created a database on last week and the migration script couldn't login with the mysql user. I used ispcp 1.0.7 on this server.

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch

  • Can you log in via ispcp panel (client/sql_manage) to pma? If not seems to be a bug in ispcp. If yes problem is migration script.
    But if you manage to reach sql passwords check i bet is a bug in ispcp since key where already successful used to decrypt master password.
    Change every sql password using panel with same passwords to force a re crypt for that passwords.
    If you join on irc we can see faster what problem is. freenode channel i-mscp

    Edited once, last by oldev01 ().

  • the passwords are fixed, the new problem:

    when i start the imscp-setup then i give an sql error: Database update 52 failed. Column not found: software_installtype

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch

  • Manually run

    2. `web_software`
    3. ADD
    4. `software_installtype` varchar(15) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL
    5. AFTER
    6. `reseller_id`
    7. ;

    Wht distro you use? debian? which version. What is your mysql version?

  • ok. I found the problem 10 min and I`ll post solution here.

  • Manually run

    2. `web_software`
    3. ADD
    4. `software_installtype` varchar(15) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL
    5. AFTER
    6. `reseller_id`
    7. ;

    Wht distro you use? debian? which version. What is your mysql version?


    Panel: ispcp 1.0.7
    OS: Debian Squeeze

    The next error: Column not found rawpasswd (Database.php line 630)

    what is the type (varchar) and length of this field?

    OS: Debian Buster

    i-MSCP: GIT 1.5.3-maintenance branch

    Edited once, last by Kika ().

  • You must replace file gui/include/iMSCP/Update/Database.php with following:


    • Database.php

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