I. Usage of i-MSCP DNS server (You've choosen bind9 for DNS server during i-MSCP setup)
It is assumed here that the customer' domain name domain.tld has been already created in the i-MSCP panel.
- The customer must register a glue record through his registrar interface: ns1.domain.tld -> <ip>. Note that this can be take a bit time to be recorded.
- Once that the glue record is ok, the customer must change the DNS server through his registrar interface. Here, he must use ns1.domain.tld
Note that the <ip> tag must be replaced by the IP that has been assigned to the customer when the domain has been created through the i-MSCP panel.
Note also some registrars make the procedure more simpler. E.g, when you change the nameserver, they also register the glue record into the Registry.
II. Usage of an external DNS server (you've choosen the external server option during i-MSCP setup)
The customer must change his domain.tld DNS zone to add the following DNS resource records:
This is generally done through the registrar interface too because most of time, if you don't use the i-MSCP DNS server, you use the default DNS servers which are provided by your registrar.
Note that the <ip> tag must be replaced by the IP that has been assigned to the customer when the domain has been created through the i-MSCP panel, and that the <imscp_server_hostname> tag must be replaced with the FQHN of the i-MSCP server (hostname -f).
Be aware that here, we're only talking about the primary DNS server.