"Could not create domain alias. An unexpected error occurred."

  • Hello i upgraded my i-mscp for a newest version a long time ago from 1.2.11.
    When i switch to client account and try add new domain, an error says: "Could not create domain alias. An unexpected error occurred."
    then next i recive email:

    how can i solve it? exacly how to solve that duplicate entry?

    i know, i can do it manualy but this any other way to do it automatically ?

    ps: sorry for my english

  • Your database is corrupted. For the specified domain alias that you want to re-add, you must first remove the orphaned entries. There is not automatic way to achieve this.


  • Your database is corrupted. For the specified domain alias that you want to re-add, you must first remove the orphaned entries. There is not automatic way to achieve this.

    Can you tell me how to ident orphaned entries? I'm tryin to fix it, but i don't see anything.

    Edited once, last by Rexikon ().

  • @Rexikon

    For the domain alias you're trying to create, you must goes through i-MSCP database tables and remove any orphaned entrie (here, in the mail_users table).

    If you cannot figure out alone, best is to give us access to your server.
