Change default URL for new Customers

  • Hello,

    how can I change the default Domain after the Install.

    Because i setted up panel.tld but I want to change that to *.hosting.tld


  • how can I change the default Domain after the Install.


    1. # perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure -dar panel_hostname


  • @bashify I don't understand what you mean...


  • @bashify

    There is no default customer.

    You should set the panel hostname such as panel.<yourdomain.tld> using the command given in my previous post. Then, after, you can create any customer account your want such as space.another.tld.

    In my opinion, you misunderstood how i-MSCP works.


  • Hello,
    i mean, is it possible that the reseller has custom Domains like reseller1.tld
    And every Customer he create's use this TLD.

  • Please, learn how i-MSCP works. A reseller has no domain name.

    Thread closed.
