Let's encrypt problem with Strict Transport Security

  • I've edited my post.

    So seems to be because of your script or custom changes :D

    Ok but where from do you know this with code 301 vers 307?

    Ok what did i done:

    1. my .htacces is dated 04. Dezembar 2015 (first time i used let's encrypt was 7. Juli 2016
    2. I searched for "rewrite" with "grep -r "rewrite" /etc/ | grep https" and found only

    This "00_master.conf" is dated 29 juni 2016
    3. i searched also in /var/www/ but found nothing special

    I-MSCP 1.5.3 - Debian 9 Stretch

  • Can you may give me access to your server? I'm sure it's because of custom modifications or your website (redirect via php from plugin or theme)..

    BTW: You can check the redirect type e.g. online or with wget:
    http://www.webconfs.com/http-header-check.php (just type http://www.web4you-gmbh.ch/)

  • Ok thanks for this teamviewer support @Ninos

    I m shure you are right with my changes on wordpress to https. I made it couse i had mixed entrys. So it works and i let it as it is now.

    You won more beer. Cheers Prost.

    I-MSCP 1.5.3 - Debian 9 Stretch

  • Marked as solved and closed ;)
