Can't edit the Reseller, can't see his statistics - Error 400

  • Hey Guys,

    i was logged in as admin and i was trying to edit the reseller and to see his statistics but i got an "Error 400"


    Im using:

    i-MSCP 1.3.0
    Build: 20160626
    Codename: Horner

    And debian Jessie (latest version).

    I know that it was a known bug once but it got fixed a long time ago, right?
    Can i provide any helpful information?

    EDIT: Ive added a new reseller, moved the clients and everything is working fine there (except the statistic, but maybe i need to delete the other one first?).

    EDIT2: Can't edit the new reseller anymore. Same Error page.

    Kind regards

    Edited 4 times, last by Eomer ().

  • Please, check your database. You have orphaned user (customer without entry in domain table).


  • Hey!
    thank you for your answer.

    Sorry i have no idea how mysql works. I'm logged in via phpmyadmin and im checking the Users.
    Which column is the important one?

    I saw this thread but i couldnt figure out what to do:
    Edit reseller: Error 400 Bad Request

    kind regards

    EDIT: Ive added a screenshot of the admin table (i don't know if that will help)


    • user.png

      (36.97 kB, downloaded 4 times, last: )
  • @Eomer

    See Statistiken: Error 400, Bad Request

    If you don't figure out alone, give me an access to your server.


  • Oh...i used google search and the thread was not listed yet probably.

    Thank you! I figured it out (just copied it to PMA). Okay, i've found the user. So this is just an old user which was marked "to delete"?
    Is it sufficient to just press the delete button (screenshot attached)?

    And thanks a lot. Especially for your offer to do it yourself!

    kind regards


    • delete.png

      (23.17 kB, downloaded 7 times, last: )
  • In order, you must:

    • Delete that user from the database (click on delete button via pma)
    • Remove Web folder in /var/www/virtual for that user if any
    • Remove Mail folder in /var/mail/virtual if any
    • Remove the UNIX user which belong to that user. You can find its name by looking at the admin_sys_name column of the admin table in imscp database (for the row that belongs to the user (admin_id 3)
    • Ensure that the group is also removed and if it is not the case, remove it. You can find its name by looking at the admin_sys_gname column of the admin table in the imscp database (row that belongs to the user (admin_id 3))


  • You're welcome ;)
