Where can I edit the panel index.html

  • Hi,

    I changed the logos of the panel now the logos are bigger then before so I have to configure the index.html or php were can I find it.

    Thx- and Br. Wutti

  • @hwutti

    You don't need and must not edit i-MSCP core files. You should remove the logo, resize it using image editor and upload it again.


  • @hwutti

    You can do whatever you want but if you do so, your changes will be removed on next upgrade. We don't give support for modifications in i-MSCP core files. If someone want to change something, it must know what he do.


  • @hwutti

    I should have been more clear in my previous answer :D

    When I say that we don't give support for modification of i-MSCP core files , this necessarely means that we will not provide any information on the files which you must modify to achieve what you want. If you want to really modify the i-MSCP core files, you must know how to do. You must understand that we cannot provide such support. This would lead to too many requests on our forums (how I can modify this and that, what are the involved files...). We are not a coding school ;)
