no changes at /etc/network/interfaces

  • @UncleSam

    Did you read the errata file from 1.2.x Serie?


    Basically, if you configure your network interfaces manually (including IP addresses that you added through i-MSCP control panel) in the /etc/network/interfaces file, i-MSCP will not touch those entries. i-MSCP only add it own entries for the IP addresses that are not yet configured (not present in the /etc/network/interfaces file). If that is not the case this should be considered like a bug in the i-MSCP network interface provider.


  • @Nuxwin
    Thx for your reply.

    Currently I am using a server hosted by Strato. Strato preconfigured the interface file with ipv4 dhcp which is working very well. I think that is the reason why I-MSCP wants to add the IP Adresse.

    I know you want to make I-MSCP as user friendly as possible. But for me it would be great if there are possibilities to disable some things like this.

    Nuxwin likes this.
  • @UncleSam

    Sure. In next release, we could a button into the interface (admin side) which would allows to disable autoconfiguration. That would be ok for you?

    BTW: Usage of DHCP in the context of an hosting server is something rare. But I can understand that there is some exceptions. ;)


    Delta04 likes this.
  • @UncleSam

    Work in progress. I hope that this will fit your needs.


    Errata will be:


    UncleSam and theemstra like this.
  • @UncleSam

    And now?


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