ioncube after upgrade

  • @Nuxwin In past I've created a tutoral in wiki, it's not there anymore. Can you have a look?

  • @Ninos

    Well, I need to known the exact link or the section where you added it. BTW: From my point of view, the wiki should be restricted to i-MSCP and not for things like ioncube and so on. ioncube installation is done the same way with or without i-MSCP. There is plenty of howto available on the Web already.


    I don't validate your way to install ioncube. If you want share the ioncube libraries across all your PHP verrsions, you should at last install it outside of the /usr/lib/php5/20131226 directory which is created by the distribution package. /usr/local/lib/php would be the right place. You should never pollute the system tree with your own files.


  • @Ninos

    I'll give you admin permissions on the wiki. Don't even know why you don't have them...


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