i-MSCP panel ftp directories fail when using TLS Required On

  • I have configure proftpd to use TLS and enabled TLS Required On. I am able to connect to the server using filezilla and pydio but when adding a ftp account from the imscp panel and selecting the choose dir option I get error "Unable to retrieve directories list for your domain. Please contact your reseller". This also occur when I am trying to use Protected Areas. When I change TLS Require on to off then I am able to select a directory for ftp accounts or when protecting an area. I would like to force and use TLS Required On but the web panel does not function properly. Could some on advice on how to fix this problem. I am using imscp 1.2.17.

    Thank you for the assistance.

  • @mrpink

    We should maybe considere this a bug and enclose TLS conf snippet inside <IfClass !local></ifClass> ? Panel is connecting though local class always so.


  • Yes why not, then we could also remove the listener file. :-)

  • @mrpink

    What about vsftpd. Is there similar way to solve the problem ?


  • I don't know, because I'm not using vsftpd. But I could do some research to find out.

  • Hi mrpink, I added the listener file to add the classes needed to turn of tls required for the web panel but now it takes long to even load any directories to select. I am using ProFTPD Version 1.3.5rc3 so I might be experiencing the bug you mention Bug 4108. How can I resolve that bug? Thanks again for the help.

  • For vsftpd I searched a while ago and haven't found such possibility to just force ssl for !local.

  • Did some research today and I was also not able to find anything.