Can't log in: An error occurred. Please contact your administrator or reseller.

  • Hello,

    I can't log in at CP, I get an error message with


    An error occured. Please contact your administrator or reseller.

    I received an email with following message:


    Warning! user | Bla| requested |/admin/index.php| with REQUEST_METHOD |GET|[size=x-small]User IP:[/size]

    I have own access on the CP, else nobody. On PMA etc. I have access.

    How can I fix it?

    Thanks in advance.

    (German post)

    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hello ;

    Please, go to the imscp.conf and set the DEBUG parameter to 1. After, show us the true error message you receive.



    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Thanks for your help :)

    Error found:


    Warning: The Exception Writer `iMSCP_Exception_Writer_Browser` was unable to write the following message: `PHP 'intl' extension is not loaded. - at line: 962 in file: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/shared-functions.php` Reason: Unable to find the box.tpl template file - at line: 532 in file: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/pTemplate.php in /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Exception/Handler.php on line 319

    I have PHP 20090626+lfs and is not available. I removed intl.ini and I restarted apache, but the problem wouldn't solve.

    Edit 2
    Hmm, php5-intl was removed from system, it's now fixed and the CP is working again :)

    Edited once, last by Paderman ().

  • Great. You can so mark this thread (and also the german thread) as resolved.

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Great.

    I agree :)


    [...] (and also the german thread) as resolved.

    The German thread was killed by me :D ;) (with no answers ;) )

    Wish you a nice Friday :)