A lot of mail

  • Hi, I need a little help again.
    mailq command shows me a lot of this log:

    Jun 3 23:07:37 vps728104 postfix/smtp[27749]: E065682836: host mx01.mail.com[] refused to talk to me: 421-mail.com (mxgmxus005) Nemesis ESMTP Service not available 421-Service unavailable 421-Reject due to policy violations. 421 For explanation visit http://postmaster.gmx.com/en/e…ges?ip=

    77F028261A 423 Wed Jun 1 23:09:38 webmaster@sutter.cl (delivery temporarily suspended: host mx00.mail.com[] refused to talk to me: 421-mail.com (mxgmxus004) Nemesis ESMTP Service not available 421-Service unavailable 421-Reject due to policy violations. 421 For explanation visit http://postmaster.gmx.com/en/e…ges?ip= email@email.com


    How can I find the reasons for this :S

    Any help is appreciated

    Victor Rodriguez

    OS wheezy
    Panel 1.2.2

  • In your log, you have an error message and code which is 421. Following the link http://postmaster.gmx.com/en/e…3.28&c=poli#451forbidden:

    Quote from gmx

    4xy Reject due to policy violations
    For administrative reasons email delivery is temporarily not permitted. Please follow our email policy in order to ensure a trouble-free email communication. Please contact the administrator of your system who should then contact us.

    They clearly state that the administrator should contact them. So just do...


  • Thanks for your quick answer but how can I know where or which domain generates the outgoing email that is refused?, because in my server I have only 12 domains active ...

    Is it possible to know this with this log? :(

    thanks in advance


    Edited 2 times, last by victor531 ().

  • Hi,

    you can have a look in your mailqueue with the command: mailq

    Mails wich can`t be deliverd should be listet there.
