Installation of actual 1.3.x branch

  • Hi,

    I wanted to try i-MSCP 1.3.0 on my Debian 8 test machine. I dowloaded the actual git status and tried to install it on a fresh setup.
    I got the following error right after the start of the installation script:

    1. [FATAL] iMSCP::Dialog::_findBin: Could not find dialog program: dialog at /usr/local/src/imscp-1.3.x/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 529.

    The file /usr/local/src/imscp-1.3.x/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ at line 529 says:

  • A fix has just been added in the 1.3.x branch. See…0926deea8efb5a8244d201ecf

    Thank you for your report.


  • I just download the file the same way, delete the old folder, extract the new file and retry it?

  • Yes ;)


  • Okay, thank you. I will take care of this in the evening.
    Thanks for your great support.