TLS SNI not working

  • Hi,

    Services are configured for hosting.domain.tld

    TLS with the adminsite works perfect, as it should, because it's a separate nginx-server :).

    I added now the first ssl customer, in order to test SNI TLS-Hosting with one IP-Address. Even if I use a by the adminpanel generated, self-signed-certificate or using the trusted certificate, firefox shows Error "SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG".

    Wich are the relevant logfile to troubleshoot this?


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  • I also had same problem and solved as reported in other thread by @theemstra

    If you want to fix it quickly you can patch yourself:
    /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ at line 233

    Edit unless statement into if
    So that the line would read:

    return 0 if $self->{'ca_bundle_container_path'} eq '';

    Then regenerate the SSL certificate by going to the domain, choosing "Manage domain" and saving the cert again.