I am getting error on iMSCP cpanel while creating user with cli command. While creating user with cli command it is showing okay as below.
root@cpanel:~/i-MSCP-Cli-Script# php domain_imscp.php --action create_domain --created_by 'reseller' --domain 'example20.com' --password 'adminpass' --hosting_plan 'Basic'
.imscpCreating the default user for example20.com
User created
But in under re-seller account the domain status is showing with error message: Unexpected error
and on database domain_status field showing: iMSCP::Rights::_set: chown: invalid user: ‘vu2029:vu2029’ value.
When i update the domain_status field with ok, the domain status showing ok under reseller a/c but while creating email a/c and choosing FTP home directory it is showing error.
I think while creating domain with cli command the iMSCP daemon not properly synchronize the data and create necessary thing in back end.
Please find the attached file, i have upload all the necessary error snaps for reference and suggest me how can i resolve this problem.