Billing Plugins

  • I see that all billing plugins (KaziWhcms or Boxbilling) does not compatible with 1.2.17 or current 1.2.x branch.
    They are also not updated for a long time. This plugins are dead or still alive?

    What do you think about i-mscp billing plugins for the future?

  • @techie

    An update is planned for them but hey, sorry, `god` given me only two hands ;)


  • Nuxwin
    You are the marvelous hardworking man. Everyone,who follows i-mscp project, knows this fact. :)
    I think you can overcome this too.

    Is this in your short or long term plan? Do you have planned due date?

  • @techie

    short but I've no date.

    BTW: I would prefer be a man from DC Comics. Those from 'Marvel'ous =O are plain stupid and all look like gays :D


  • >>BTW: I would prefer be a man from DC Comics. Those from 'Marvel'ous are plain stupid and all look like gays

    HaHaHaa! Agreed. :-)