Letsencrypt ECDSA certificates

  • @mrpink

    A fix has been added in 1.2.x branch. See:

    This fix will be available in version 1.2.18.

    Thank you for your report.


  • @mrpink

    You're welcome ;)

    All this thread for just changing rsa by pkey <X

    OUCH, were we go :D


  • @mrpink

    As I read them, those limit should not be a problem.


  • Normally, that's true, but it could be on this one, if you request more than 5 times a week for the same domain.

    • Certificates/Domain you could run into through repeated re-issuance. This limit measures certificates issued for a given combination of Public Suffix + Domain (a "registered domain"). This is limited to 5 certificates per domain per week.
  • @mrpink

    Could you please explain, how you connected the hook to the database? Would be great to have a short howto.

    Today I finished my automated letsencrypt rollout tests and I created about 60 certificates against the test (acme-staging) server. :D

    I'm using the bash script letsencrypt.sh for the certificate requests and a listener file which creates the domains.txt file for the bash script.
    The rest will be done with letsencrypt.sh -c (also the renew, if only 30 days are left) to request the certificate from the letsencrypt server.

    The entries in the i-MSCP database are made by the hook file of the bash script and then the i-MSCP request manager is called. So far all is working fine.