Error on update "Can't locate Data/Validate/" (i-MSCP 1.2.16)

  • Directly at starting the process:

    1. root@srv ~/imscp/imscp-1.2.16 # ./imscp-autoinstall
    2. [FATAL] iMSCP::Debug::__ANON__: Can't locate Data/Validate/ in @INC (you may need to install the Data::Validate::IP module) (@INC contains: /root/imscp/imscp-1.2.16/engine/PerlVendor /root/imscp/imscp-1.2.16 /root/imscp/imscp-1.2.16/engine/PerlLib /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.18.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.18 /usr/share/perl/5.18 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /root/imscp/imscp-1.2.16/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 29, <$fh> line 350.
    3. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /root/imscp/imscp-1.2.16/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 29, <$fh> line 350.
    4. Compilation failed in require at /etc/imscp/listeners.d/ line 27, <$fh> line 350.
    5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /etc/imscp/listeners.d/ line 27, <$fh> line 350.
    6. Compilation failed in require at /root/imscp/imscp-1.2.16/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 179, <$fh> line 350.

    Distro: Ubuntu Server LTS 14.04
    Codname: Ubutnu 14.04 Codename: 14.04.4 LTS, Trusty Tahr

  • Hello,

    The problem is due to the fact that you use a listener which requires the iMSCP::net package too early (which itself requires the Data::Validate::IP package). Thus, the i-MSCP installer has not time to install it.

    Quick fix: Install the package manually:

    1. # apt-get install libdata-validate-ip-perl

    Once done, rerun the installer.


  • A fix has been added in the 1.2.x branch. See…395201d38a...c943d6d5874b

    This fix will be part of the next release.

    Thank you for your report.
