Listener php confoptions
- solved
- batZen
- Closed
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
For me, that work as expected:
Code- ; Additional php.ini defines, specific to this pool of workers. These settings
- ; overwrite the values previously defined in the php.ini. The directives are the
- ; same as the PHP SAPI:
- ; php_value/php_flag - you can set classic ini defines which can
- ; be overwritten from PHP call 'ini_set'.
- ; php_admin_value/php_admin_flag - these directives won't be overwritten by
- ; PHP call 'ini_set'
- ; For php_*flag, valid values are on, off, 1, 0, true, false, yes or no.
- ; Defining 'extension' will load the corresponding shared extension from
- ; extension_dir. Defining 'disable_functions' or 'disable_classes' will not
- ; overwrite previously defined php.ini values, but will append the new value
- ; instead.
- ; Note: path INI options can be relative and will be expanded with the prefix
- ; (pool, global or /usr)
- ; Default Value: nothing is defined by default except the values in php.ini and
- ; specified at startup with the -d argument
- php_admin_value[open_basedir] = /usr/bin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/sbin/:/bin/:/var/www/apps/:/var/www/virtual/
- php_admin_value[upload_tmp_dir] = /var/www/virtual/
- php_admin_value[session.save_path] = /var/www/virtual/
- php_admin_value[soap.wsdl_cache_dir] = /var/www/virtual/
- php_admin_value[sendmail_path] = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f
- ; Custom values
- php_admin_value[max_execution_time] = 240
- php_admin_value[max_input_time] = 60
- php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 128M
- php_value[error_reporting] = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
- php_flag[display_errors] = off
- php_admin_value[post_max_size] = 8M
- php_admin_value[upload_max_filesize] = 2M
- php_admin_flag[allow_url_fopen] = off
- php_admin_value[disable_functions] =
- php_value[always_populate_raw_post_data] = -1
- php_value[max_input_vars] = 1500
Pastbin: modified the listener a bit:
Please, result of the following command on your system:
Please, run:
Then, when asked, choose per site level.Once finished, look at the pool file again.
The new result is:
; Default Value: nothing is defined by default except the values in php.ini and
; specified at startup with the -d argument
php_admin_value[open_basedir] = /usr/bin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/sbin/:/bin/:/var/www/apps/:/var/www/virtual/
php_admin_value[upload_tmp_dir] = /var/www/virtual/
...; Custom values
php_admin_value[max_execution_time] = 240
php_admin_value[disable_functions] =
php_value[always_populate_raw_post_data] = -1
php_value[max_input_vars] = 1500All is perfect!
You did a great job.Have a good sunday.
Walter -