New 1.2.15 Installation Error On Fresh Stretch

  • Hi.

    I know some person said post to youtrac, but it says insufficient privileges so I'm posting here.

    Trying to install version 1.2.15 on a fresh stretch installation fails with the error;

    autoinstaller::Adapter::DebianAdapter::uninstallPackages: Could not unset │
    │ 'hold' state on packages: E: Can't select installed nor candidate version │
    │ from package 'mysql-client-5.5' as it has neither of them

    Am I supposed to edit the config file and some how tell it to use mysql >= 5.6?


  • @CyberMaster

    Distro? Codename?

    Thanks for the report. I'll investigate and fix.


  • Clean, new server installation, Debian Stretch, i-mscp version 1.2.15


    BuildDate = 20160302
    Version = 1.2.15
    CodeName = Andromeda


  • @CyberMaster

    Ok thanks ;) I'll have a look and fix.

    BTW: Don't use Debian Stretch on productive server ;)


    mrpink likes this.
  • Hi.

    My production servers are Jessie, but have extra servers and want to see the install steps/fixes and what's new.

    Why shouldn't I use Stretch in production? Because of bugs or security?

    Tnx. :-)

  • @CyberMaster

    Because Debian Stretch (testing) is not ready for use on productive server. For instance, many packages can be changed or even worse, removed.... Stretch is the next Debian version. We provide support for it only for testing purpose. And yes, in Stretch, there is a lot of pending bugs.


    mrpink likes this.
  • Cool, I understand. So I guess the above really isn't pertinent because there is still lots of time before Stretch is released as stable.

    (don't know if I'm ok to ask while your here but), one of my servers is running i-Mscp version 1.2.11. Can I do a straight upgrade to version 1.2.15, or should I do them in succession, 1.2.12 --> 1.2.13 --> 1.2.14 --> 1.2.15?

  • @CyberMaster

    The I-MSCP installer provides incremental updates and so, you can always update diretly to the last released version, unless stated otherwise in the errata file. But please, wait the 1.2.16 which will be released this evening ;)


  • GRANDioso! COOL! :-) THANKS for the 'inside tip'! :-)

    With the paid plugins, does the money go to you and developers. or outside plugin maker('s), or both? OR, where is the donations page I think I remember seeing link mentioned after successful installs..


    DUHH, I see it under your user name. :-) Still wonder about the plugins tho.

  • @CyberMaster

    Money for non-free plugins is for their developers. Currently only me because I'm the only one that provides non-free plugins ;)
