Variable not replaced - AH01079: failed to make connection to backend: httpd-UDS

  • @Starlight

    This is a known bug which will be fixed in next release (1.2.15). The problem seem to arise with the per_domain INI level and with domain aliases (only when they have subdomains). Right now, simply switch to the per_site INI level perl imscp-autoinstall -dasr php

    @mrpink (Reproducible) ;)


  • Bug found. This is due to that code in /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/Modules/

    1. if($confLevel eq 'per_user') {
    2. $confLevel = 'dmn';
    3. } elsif($confLevel eq 'per_domain') {
    4. $confLevel eq 'als';
    5. } else {
    6. $confLevel = 'subals';
    7. }

    $confLevel eq 'als'; should be $confLevel = 'als';

    @mrpink Could you patch your install manually and confirm?


  • @mrpink

    Thanks ;) 1.2.x patched ;) Fix will be available in version 1.2.15 ;)
