Typo3 läuft nicht mehr nach dem Update auf 1.2.13

  • Dringend
    Nach dem Update auf die i-MSCP Version 1.2.13 laufen die Typo3 Seiten nicht mehr.
    Im Browser habe ich die Meldung: "No input file specified."
    Im Log sehe ich: "[Wed Feb 24 17:12:03.685538 2016] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 16301:tid 139778536224512] [client] AH01071: Got error 'Unable to open primary script: //var/www/virtual/frauenvereinhedingen.ch/htdocs/index.php (Operation not permitted)\n'"
    Offenbar hängt das Problem mit einer Berechtigung zusammen, aber welche?

    Wer kann mir helfen?
    Wordpress läuft problemlos weiter nach dem Update.

  • Von welcher Version hast du geupdated? Außerdem welche Datei wird im Browser aufgerufen? index.php?

  • @oekowalti

    I'll try a fresh install of Typo3 (CMS 7.6.4) with i-MSCP version 1.2.13. I'm at installation step and I found some bug already with PHP Editor... Typo3 require specific settings.. I'll fix the bugs first, then continue installation and give you a short summary. ;)


  • Re,

    After having updated PHP settings for typo3 (disabled functions, max execution time and so on) I cannot reproduce the problem with fresh install.

    I've installed Typo 3 as follow (according official documentation):

    1. root@jessie:/usr/local/src/imscp# cd /var/www/virtual/test.tld/htdocs/root@jessie:/var/www/virtual/test.tld/htdocs# ln -s ../00_private/typo3_src-7.6.4 typo3_srcroot@jessie:/var/www/virtual/test.tld/htdocs# ln -s typo3_src/typo3 typo3root@jessie:/var/www/virtual/test.tld/htdocs# ln -s typo3_src/index.php index.phproot@jessie:/var/www/virtual/test.tld/htdocs# chown -h vu2003:vu2003 index.phproot@jessie:/var/www/virtual/test.tld/htdocs# chown -h vu2003:vu2003 typo3root@jessie:/var/www/virtual/test.tld/htdocs# chown -h vu2003:vu2003 typo3_srcroot@jessie:/var/www/virtual/test.tld/htdocs# touch FIRST_INSTALLroot@jessie:/var/www/virtual/test.tld/htdocs# chown vu2003:vu2003 FIRST_INSTALLroot@jessie:/var/www/virtual/test.tld/htdocs# cp typo3_src/_.htaccess .htaccessroot@jessie:/var/www/virtual/test.tld/htdocs# chown vu2003:vu2003 .htaccess

    As you can see here, I've uploaded the typo3_src-7.6.4 directory through FTP into the /var/www/virtual/test.tld/00_private directory and once done, I've run the above commands. I hate the symlinks idea (due to shared hosting environment) but as long as you can access the server through SSH this setup should be ok. I bet that a better solution is available for shared environments...


    Finally, my Install layout is (after typo3 installation):

    Note: To override some php.ini parameters which were not editable through PHP editor, I've used the 10_php_confoptions_override.pl listener file which is available at: https://github.com/i-MSCP/imsc…p_confoptions_override.pl


  • @Ninos:
    Von welcher Version hast du geupdated?
    ==> Von Version 1.2.10
    Außerdem welche Datei wird im Browser aufgerufen? index.php?
    ==> Ja.

    My Typo3 Versions are 4.5.40, 4.5.37 | 6.2.6, 6.2.13 and 6.2.19

    If I try to set all owner in the domain.tld/ and typo3_src/ to the apache owner:group, I receive the error message:
    If I try to set all owner domain.tld/ and typo3_src/ to the user vu2034:vu2034, I receive the error message: No input file specified. / And in the log:
    [Thu Feb 25 07:52:27.802334 2016] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 5793:tid 139778544617216] [client] AH01071: Got error 'Unable to open primary script: //var/www/virtual/frauenvereinhedingen.ch/htdocs/index.php (Operation not permitted)\n'

    Now, I'll try to install a new version of 7.6.4 to reproduce the error like you did.

  • @oekowalti

    You must not set apache www-data user. www-data is already part of your vuxxx group. For instance, on my test system:

    1. root@jessie:~# getent group | grep vu2003vu2003:x:1001:www-dataroot@jessie:~#

    Can you show me your install layout?

    1. ls -la /var/www/virtual/<domain.tld>/htdocs



  • @Nuxwin

    This is the output:

    1. ls -la /var/www/virtual/frauenvereinhedingen.ch/htdocstotal 272292drwxrws--- 10 vu2034 vu2034 4096 Feb 25 09:37 .drwxr-x--- 10 vu2034 vu2034 4096 Jun 13 2015 ..drwxrwxr-x 2 vu2034 vu2034 4096 Feb 25 09:37 00_private-rw-r--r-- 1 vu2034 vu2034 46 Sep 11 2006 clear.gif-rwxr-xr-x 1 vu2034 vu2034 1150 Aug 14 2013 favicon.icodrwxrws--- 9 vu2034 vu2034 4096 Jun 13 2015 fileadmin-rw-r--r-- 1 vu2034 vu2034 0 Feb 25 07:37 FIRST_INSTALL-rw-r--r-- 1 vu2034 vu2034 5191 Mar 3 2014 frauenvereinhedingen-2.css-rw-r--r-- 1 vu2034 vu2034 264834464 Jun 13 2015 frauenvereinhedingen.ch-web.tar-rw-r--r-- 1 vu2034 vu2034 13575813 May 6 2015 frauenvereinhedingen.log-r--r--r-- 1 vu2034 vu2034 53 Mar 15 2014 google8f02ad96d19f2653.html-rw-r--r-- 1 vu2034 vu2034 13021 Feb 25 07:47 .htaccessdrwxr-xr-x 2 vu2034 vu2034 4096 May 8 2009 images-rw-r----- 1 vu2034 vu2034 4610 May 6 2015 index-original.htmllrwxrwxrwx 1 vu2034 vu2034 19 May 6 2015 index.php -> typo3_src/index.php-rw-r--r-- 1 vu2034 vu2034 9563 Jul 23 2013 INSTALL.txt-rw-r--r-- 1 vu2034 vu2034 8558 Jul 23 2013 README.txt-rw-r--r-- 1 vu2034 vu2034 241 Jul 23 2013 RELEASE_NOTES.txt-rw-r--r-- 1 vu2034 vu2034 59 Oct 8 2011 robots.txtdrwxrws--- 7 vu2034 vu2034 4096 Feb 25 09:35 testversion764lrwxrwxrwx 1 vu2034 vu2034 15 Jul 25 2013 typo3 -> typo3_src/typo3drwxrws--- 5 vu2034 vu2034 4096 Jun 27 2015 typo3conflrwxrwxrwx 1 vu2034 vu2034 34 Feb 25 07:46 typo3_src -> /var/www/apps/t3/typo3_src-6.2.19/drwxrws--- 15 vu2034 vu2034 4096 Feb 10 23:47 typo3tempdrwxrws--- 19 vu2034 vu2034 12288 Jun 13 2015 typo3temp-olddrwxrws--- 10 vu2034 vu2034 4096 Jun 13 2015 uploads

    Now, I list the info.php and see, that the open_basedir path is much shorter than earlier:

    1. /var/www/virtual/frauenvereinhedingen.ch/:/usr/share/php/

    I detected this, because the new installed typo3 verion 7.6.4 makes no graphics.

    Edited once, last by oekowalti: Found new fact ().

  • @oekowalti

    1. typo3_src -> /var/www/apps/t3/typo3_src-6.2.19/

    Don't search more ;) The problem comes from the fact that you have stored the typo3_src-6.2.19 directory outside your vuxxx user home directory. Users are confined in their home directory for security reasons and cannot access files outside them by default. To fix the problem, move the typo3_src-6.2.19 directory into the 00_private directory of your vuxxx user and once done, recreate the needed symlink.

    Should be done by running the following commands (as root user):

    1. # mv /var/www/apps/t3/typo3_src-6.2.19 /var/www/virtual/frauenvereinhedingen.ch/00_private
    2. # chown vu2034:vu2034 -R /var/www/virtual/frauenvereinhedingen.ch/00_private/typo3_src-6.2.19
    3. # cd /var/www/virtual/frauenvereinhedingen.ch/htdocs
    4. # rm typo3_src
    5. # ln -s ../00_private/typo3_src-6.2.19 typo3_src
    6. # chown -h vu2034:vu2034 typo3_src

    If you don't figure out alone, add my ssh key to your server and I'll fix that for you.


  • @Nuxwin

    Hello Nuxwin

    Thank very much for your help. Now all typo3 - sites are working well and your advisings helped me to eliminate the errors. :thumbup:

    After having done your changes, I found this forumarticle:
    Configuring open_basedir to allow access to a script for all sites?

    I think, while updating to the version 1.2.13 my configs in the parameter open_basedir would be overridden. And in fact, this follows to the raising errors. And in the actual control-panel I can't still find the field to set the value for open_basedir, globaly or by domain.

    While using open_basedir I could save all typo3 sources in a directory outside the domains reached by vu20xx. This was usefall, because the same source-version had only to be saved once.

    May be, there is a posibility to set an open_basedir value, which isn't touched throu i-mscp updates :/ .

    Have a good time

  • You could create a listener file for that. I have done it also in this way and a listener file is creating the open_basedir entries.