How to save customs settings in the virtual host files

  • Hi,

    I've just posted a similar question in the plugin section, this is about the I-MSCP directly.

    Last time I've updated the I-MSCP version, all my custom settings in the vitual hosts config files have been lost.

    Is there a way to keep the changes when updating other than saving it before update and then re-apply them?


  • You must use i-MSCP listeners to add your custom configuration changes instead of adding them manually. We already answered this question many times ;)


  • Hi Nuxwin,

    didn't know about that. Just had a look at examples. I don't speak Perl yet, so I have to master that first. But I can theortically change everything in all config files?


  • @TheRiddler1982

    Also, for the Apache2 vhost file of your customers, there is already a file which is included in them. In that file, you can add your own directives or override those which are already defined. That file is never overwritten by the i-MSCP installer.
