Possibility for the mail user to set the auto respond ?

  • Hi,

    On the Mail Accounts setting, the customer can set an auto respond message for the differents availables mailbox.
    But is there a way for the final mailbox user to setting up this auto respond by himself, without access to the Customer Panel with all the settings ?

    Thanks for your answer :)

    Edited once, last by Spheerys ().

  • Since we us Roundcube and Dovecot - Yes!

    Search for the sieve plugin for roundcube. You need to install it on your own.

    Have no link here, only online with my smartphone.

  • OK I will try this.
    I hope it will be easy to use for the final users....

  • I used the plugin with success, but the user has to create the filter vacation manually.
    It's not impossible, but if it was preconfigured with just a check box to activate it, it will be more easy
    And with an option on the admin to activate gloablly the vacation system or not, it will be wonderfull :)
    For now, I'm trying to activate the Vacation Rule by default, for each new mail account.

    I write this file /etc/dovecot/sieve/dovecot.sieve :

    1. require ["vacation"];# rule:[Gestionnaire d'absence]if false # true{ vacation :days 1 :subject "Notification d'absence" text:Je suis actuellement absent du bureau.Je vous répondrai dès mon retour..;}

    In /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail/plugins/managesieve/config.inc.php, I have this :

    1. // default contents of filters script (eg. default spam filter)
    2. $rcmail_config['managesieve_default'] = '/etc/dovecot/sieve/dovecot.sieve';
    3. // The name of the script which will be used when there's no user script
    4. $rcmail_config['managesieve_script_name'] = 'Standard';

    ... but that's not working.
    There is not rule set when I create a mail user.

    What's wrong ?

    Edited once, last by Spheerys ().