Update from 1.2.9 to 1.2.11 removes mysql 5.7.10 version and installes 5.5.46 but why?

  • @TheRiddler1982

    I'll fix that ;)

    The problem with i-MSCP is that it enforce usage of some repositories. When you want use another repository for a specific software version, you must declare it in the related xml package file, else, when you update without the --skip-distro-packages command line option, the installer try to install packages from known sources, leading to package(s) removal or dependencies problems ;)


  • @TheRiddler1982

    I don't see any /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mylist.conf file ;)


  • @TheRiddler1982

    This one was just created by me ;)

    Much better:

    I'll now add that repo and mysql version in your /root/imscp-1.2.11/docs/Debian/packages-jessie.xml package file.


  • I'm checking the system right now.


  • @TheRiddler1982

    After a little cleanup all goes fine. Note that I've disabled all your APT preference files which can cause several bad effect.

    So now, I'll do what I've previously said, and update your i-MSCP.


  • @TheRiddler1982

    No problem. Give me some minutes to figure out about what I must add in the package file. MySQL team use specific package names so ;)
    I'm able to connect to MySQL. Good thing ;)


  • @TheRiddler1982

    I'm still working on your server. I need to fix some compatibility issues.
