Wordpress "Upload File Size limit" disenable 10MB limitation in IMSCP

  • Hi I'm trying to install a Wordpress plugin that allows me to upload files to my website. But its limited at 10MB. Where can i increase or set the max file size to unlimited in IMSCP ? In the Admin panel I found something but it already was unlimited. In the Reseller and Client Accounts i could not find these Settings.
    THX and have a nice day !

  • @i0sen

    • i-MSCP version?
    • Httpd server implementation in use (Fcgid, FPM or ITK)?

    For your question:

    • As admin, edit your reseller and then, for the PHP settings, update the limit
    • As reseller, edit the domain and then for the PHP settings, update the limit

    Related screens:



  • Thank's a lot for the Quick answer :)
    How do i find out which HTTP Server Implementation I use ?

    Your pictures were enough to help me :D Thank's a lot !