Fehlermeldung Update auf die neueste Version

  • xxx bedeuten da war das pw eingetragen
    Wenn ihr mehr Braucht sagt bitte bescheid. ich habe zur zeit die 1.2.9 am Lauffen und habe es auf versucht auf 1.2.10 und die 1.2.11 up zu daten.

    xxx mean since the pw was entered

    If you longer need please tell me. I have currently the 1.2.9 at Lauffen and it had to attempt to 1.2.10 and the 1.2.11 up to data.

    1. [WARN] iMSCP::Debug::__ANON__: Bareword found where operator expected at /etc/imscp/imscp-db-keys line 1, near "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    2. iMSCP::Debug::__ANON__: (Missing operator before xxxxxxxxxx?)
    3. [ERROR] iMSCP::Stepper::step: Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at /etc/imscp/imscp-db-keys line 1, near "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    4. syntax error at /etc/imscp/imscp-db-keys line 1, near "xxxxxxxxxxx"
    5. Compilation failed in require at /root/imscp-1.2.10/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Bootstrapper.pm line 183.
    6. autoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occurred while performing installation steps

    my System :

    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 9.13 | Codename: wheezy
    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3| Build: 20181208 | Codename: Ennio Morricone
    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)
    - LetsEncrypt (v3.3.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)YubiKeyAuth 1.1.0

  • @Speedy

    Try to remove the /etc/imscp/imscp-db-keys file and then, rerun the 1.2.11 installer.

    BTW: Such problem could normally occurs only if you upgraded to 1.3.x (which is not ready) and then tried to dowgrade to version 1.2.x. If you don't figure alone, give me an access to your server.


  • Thank Nuxwin you are simply the best there was now no problem

    my System :

    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 9.13 | Codename: wheezy
    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3| Build: 20181208 | Codename: Ennio Morricone
    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)
    - LetsEncrypt (v3.3.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)YubiKeyAuth 1.1.0