Changing Account-Status (sub or alias in main)

  • Hi folks,
    is there any way to change accounts as desribed, subdomain in maindomain- and/aor alias in maindomain-account without loose the data (esp. mailaccount-contents)
    on a "easy" way with imscp?
    For the "hard" way I've found something in the forum and/or wiki and on other sites, aunt google gives some intersting hints to read :angel: But I'm interested in the easy way - if there is one :saint:
    Thanks in advance

    hempelr f

  • No atm there's no easy way. The easiest way would be following:

    • Backup your mail, webspace, database
    • Remove alias from customer
    • Create new customer with alias
    • Recreate email, ftp, databases
    • Import mail, webspace, database

    If you have a lot of customers you can automate this steps. Just have a look at the db structure and write a small script :D

  • Ninos, thanks - your hints help (I hope ;-); I'll do it step by step in a quite hour...

    Its a pity, that there is no easy way but before the succes the Lord has set the sweat (sorry is an german proverb, I don't know if it is understood in english)

    Greetings and a blessed 3rd Advent.
