roundcube not recognize users

  • Hi there,

    I don't know what I actually did, but I can't login any email user to webmail client roundcube... It was installed by default...

    It just write to me: could not login, nothing else... How can I configure that to work together with i-mscp?

    in the log file:



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    Edited once, last by ttjanos ().

  • If you setup this line in roundcube config it will probably work:


    $rcmail_config['default_host'] = 'localhost';

    The problem in your setup is that you don't have a default_host defined (the imap server), so roundcube let you choose, and you've choosen to write "http://webstars..." that's NOT your imap server.

  • Hello ;

    Both, the imap and smtp host are based on value entered during setup.

    Eg, if you entered when you are asked about the hostname from which iMSCP should be reachable (BASE_SERVER_VHOST parameter) , the hosts will be:

    Of course, the DNS A records must be correctly set. This is done automatically if you are using the DNS as configured by i-MSCP but if you are using an external DNS server, you must create these records.

    BTW: 'localhost' is ok as long roundcube is installed on the same server (where the imap and mta server are).

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().