Error with phpswitcher - changes php version for EVERY domain to last set php version

  • Hi there,

    when changing the PHP version for one subdomain ALL other versions are changed too, but not shown in the web frontend, TYPO3 shows another version.


    Assumed we have three subdomains with the following PHP versions: - PHP 5.3 - PHP 5.4 - PHP 5.5

    When I change the PHP version of one of them to 5.6 or whatever version I want, it changes the PHP version of ALL subdomains. This is not shown in the web frontend, we just discovered in TYPO3 that the version changed.

    Is this already known?

    Best regards

    EDIT: Is it possible I chose the wrong php setup? I´m not quite sure whether I chose per domain or per site :(

  • Okay,

    seems I´ve managed it myself.

    When working with subdomains and phpswitcher the settings for php/php.ini management should be "per site" and not per domain (as this is obviously not working) .

    I did "perl imscp-autoinstall -dr httpd" and changed the setting from "per domain" to "per site"##

  • @Pupp3tm4st3r

    Yes, "per site" is the right option to use with PhpSwitcher ;)
