The error.log file remains empty...

  • Hi,

    I'm using I-MSCP (1.2.9) on my webserver (Debian / Apache 2.2.22).

    Recently, I've changed in the customer interface the error reporting from "Production" to "Developpement".

    Two days later, the error.log file (in /var/log/apache2/ and /var/www/virtual/ is still empty.

    To test, I tried to cause an error 403. The error file is filled in correctly, but if I causes a php error (non existent function, syntax error...), nothing is recorded.
    Is this normal?
    How to view the php errors in the log files ?

    If I enable the display of errors on the pages themselves, the error is displayed correctly yet.
    Do you have a solution so that the logs are more talkative ?

    Thank you for your help and your answers.

    Capture d’écran 2015-08-20 à 14.39.39.png

  • Hi,

    This is a know bug, please execute:
    perl /var/www/imscp/engine/tools/imscp-httpd-logs-mngr

    /logs Ordner sind leer? <- please translate via google translator

  • Nice for your answer Andy.
    While researching on the forum, I have not found the link you just send me. And not including German, it does not help me to find.

    As I understand it (Tks Google Translator), this bug will be fixed in the next update I-MSCP.
    I already have launched the Perl script and my log file is immediately updated. It's perfect.

    Tell me, is it necessary to run it each time I restart the server ?
    Does It exist a solution to execute automatically at launch ?

    Thank you

  • Tell me, is it necessary to run it each time I restart the server ?

    Yes need to be run on every server restart until its fixed in the next release.

  • Yes you need to run it after every server restart. In 1.2.10 this bug will be fixed. 1.2.10 will be released soon :)

  • Is it normal that when I cause an error like...

    => <? echo $klmjmlkjmljkm; ?>
    (The variable doesn't exist),

    ... the log file does not record anything about that in developpement mod (but if a enable display error, it display this one)?

    Edited once, last by platinum75 ().

  • Idem, error.log don't seem reporting errors about not founded files or pages (404 error).
    Is it normal ?

  • Hello


    You are confusing the Apache errors and the PHP errors. The PHP errors are not written in the Apache error log. The "Developpement" option for PHP error only means that they will be shown on browser instead of being hidden.

    It is of course possible to catch PHP errors in a specific file but that feature is not implemented yet.


  • Can you telle me how can I do that ?
    I think it will be a good idea to implement this one in an update of I-MSCP, isn't it ?

  • @platinum75

    Have a look at the PHP documentation.
