roundcube plugins password changer - blank page

  • btw is this problematic i dont understand this error...

    [11-Aug-2015 23:16:29 Europe/Berlin] PHP Deprecated: Non-static method Auth_SASL::factory() should not be called statically, assuming $this $from incompatible context in /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap_generic.php on line 549

    its from the same error log datei and it comes extrem oftem

  • No it's just a notice. If you want you can tell it to the roundcube team :)

  • @Moonraker136 can you try attached version of the plugin and tell me if all's working fine now? If yes, I'll release this minutes.

    PS: Don't rerun the imscp-install please, otherwise you'll get a new roundcube password...

    Edit: Old version had a bug, current version please :D
    Edit²: Attachment removed, we'll release this night

  • Np, yes with the new version you don't need to manually escape the password (it was a bug^^).

  • yes that it was i mean so nothing else fixed. good. btw. i dont have a computer here at the moment so its not possible for me to install the new plugin and im definitly very tired now ^^ wanted to go to bed since 22:00 but now i definitly have to :) thx for your help. i could try it tomorrow night.


  • I think we'll release the new version tonight. The funny thing is, that @Nuxwin already fixed that bug on local repository. He'll merge my changes, push and than we'll release :)