Error on installation: libdigest-md5-perl

  • Hey,

    Since my i-MSCP stopped working for some reason I tried to reinstall it.

    I tried to run
    tasksel install standard
    but it returned
    tasksel: Aptitude failed(100)

    I searched it on the forums but none of the explanation fixed it.
    After that I just tried to install i-MSCP but the following error occured:

    Now i have no idea what to do, I tried to search for it in the internet and the forums but found nothing :/

    It would be awesome if you could help me out.


  • It's a package problem. Please fix it and then restart the imscp-autoinstaller.

    PS: Which OS you're using?

  • cat /etc/debian_version says

    I didn't even noticed my Wheezy, which i had some weeks ago or so, updated to jessie and I did a distro upgrade again and it updated to stretch...

  • o.O May some sources were wrong. I don't know if imscp works with stretch atm..

  • hm okay, i didnt even wanted to update to stretch ... but the installation asked that it found the stretch os and asked if its ok to test it

  • i bet your sources.list contains "testing" instead of exact codename. "testing" is always automatically the next testing release. change it to jessie and try a downgrade. don't try to downgrade to wheezy, that might be more complicated, because of systemd, and jessie is the recomended release for i-MSCP.

  • That's what one of my friends found out too, thanks...
    He didn't recommend to try a downgrad so I will just reinstall the whole server which isnt that difficult because there wasn't that much stuff on it.
    Thank you for your help tho :)

    Edited once, last by Splinti ().