[not a bug] version 1.2.0 needs a redirect

  • I've just updated to 1.2.0 on the production server. Works great but:
    Admin panel is accessable at x.x.x.x:8080, but customers uses panel.mydomain.tld (without ports)
    Now on this domain I have the first alfabetic virtualhost. Maybe we need a redirect to 8080 or error 403/404?
    Then maybe we have to use another port to the main panel at all? x.x.x.x:12000 i.e.?

  • Hello ;

    Please, read the errata file and you'll know how to process ...


  • Re;

    When you use ISPConfig, do you say: It's a bug because the panel is not reachable on common ports? It's a change, not a bug ;)


  • Re;

    When you use ISPConfig, do you say: It's a bug because the panel is not reachable on common ports? It's a change, not a bug ;)

    Аgree with you in such case, but in the other hand the problem is in the page, which resolving the 80 port. There may be to ways of redirection/resolving
    - To the hoster's site
    - To the panel site
    Now it is resolving the first virtualhost by alphabet (then the clients site), which is not good for the SEO, etc... Also it can be changed if we have alphabetically less virtualhost... It's not good.

  • @DragonZX

    So here, it's another problem. You're talking about Apache default page. @Ninos can surely help you about this because he created a plugin for that ;)


  • Next year (just some days) I'll update the plugin to the 1.2.0 :)