Strange redirections

  • Dear community,

    I am having a strange behavior of i-mscp (1.5.1 on current patch level debian 8.10)
    when trying to access http://SERVER_HOSTNAME and http://BASE_SERVER_VHOST, I am redirected to a customer's (in this case always vu2008) vhost
    when trying to access https://SERVER_HOSTNAME and https://BASE_SERVER_VHOST, I am redirected to another customer's (in this case always vu2028) vhost.

    I had PanelRedirect installed but removed that and also removed the regarding files in /etc/apache2/imscp/before

    Any idea what to do?

    Best regards


  • Good morning,

    There is nothing strange in that behavior. We answered many times already about this expected Apache2 behavior which has nothing to do with i-MSCP.

    When you try to reach a site for which there is no Apache2 vhost configured, Apache2 will serve the first vhost found.

    So, here, the first vhost found for your non-ssl request is the one that is owned by the vu2008 customer and the first vhost found for the ssl request is the one that is owned by the vu2028 customer.

    To avoid this behavior, you need to install the DefaultServerPage plugin.


  • Thanks - I didn't find anything that fit my search terms - sorry for bothering :-)


    You don't bother me. You're welcome.

    Thread closed.
