System Details:
Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 (jessie)
PHP Ver: 5.6.30 (Default)
MYSQL Ver: 5.7.17
Vsftpd Ver: 3.0.2
I-MSCP VER. I-MSCP 1.3.16 Build 20170107 Codename: Horner
Plugins Installed and Active:
AdminerSQL - Ver. 1.0.1
ClamAV - Ver. 1.2.0
CronJobs - Ver. 1.4.1
DebugBar - Ver. 1.1.2
DomainAutoApproval - Ver. 1.1.2
InstantSSH - Ver. 5.0.1
LetsEncrypt - Ver. 3.0.0
Mailgraph - Ver. 1.1.1
Mailman - Ver. 1.0.3
Monitorix - Ver. 1.2.2
OpenDKIM - Ver. 1.1.3
PanelRedirect - Ver. 1.1.5
PhpSwitcher - Ver. 3.0.3
PolicydSPF - Ver. 1.1.0
PolicydWeight - Ver. 1.1.0
Postgrey - Ver. 1.1.1
Postscreen - Ver. 1.1.0
ServerDefaultPage - Ver. 1.2.5
SpamAssassin - Ver. 1.1.1
CronJobs. - Ver 1.4.1 client cron problem
when I get the next opportunity cron user error,
[Tue Mar 28 10:33:11 2017] [fatal] I-MSCP :: :: _ DbTasksProcessor process: :: Plugin :: _ CronJobs writeCronTable: Could not find `'user entry in the passwd file. /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ at line 451, <$ fh> line 12th
Reseller Authorization cron, no problem,
domain owner it is possible cron I get an error, as shown
I tried to remove a cron job, sql plugin you can re-enable and ok, but when I once again get a cron job domain owner and errors cron module unexpected error and is no longer working.
Sorry for my bad english
I am Hungarian users
Thank you in advance for your help