PhpMyAdmin Addon update

  • Hello!

    Migrated successfully from ispcp 1.07 to i-mscp latest stable - but the perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-setup -d - command didn't update the pma to the latest version.
    The phpmyadmin branch is 0.2.0 - can i change it to branch 0.3.0? There is the PhPMyadmin latest source.
    The system is debian oldstable.

  • Take a look direct in phpmyadmin for Version. ;)

    PMA should be downloaded via packagist during setup

    https://x.x.x.x/pma/ shows - Version information: 4.0.10
    The /var/cache/imscp/addons/vendor/imscp/phpmyadmin folder contains the 4.0.10 version - i try to delete the folder, but the imscp-setup reload the same version.

  • Hello;


    This is because you are using MySQL 5.1. Newer versions of PhpMyAdmin are only compatible with MySQL > 5.5. The i-MSCP installer does a check to install the PhpMyAdmin version which is compatible with your MySQL server.

    To resume, you must first update your MySQL server.

    1. # perl imscp-autoinstall -dr sql
