Posts by kalmarr


    I would like to migrate my server to another VPS server, but I am not sure 100% in myself that i can make migration will be perfect everything and new server will be same like old server.

    I found a backup directory on my server "/var/www/imscp/backups". If I unpack these files to new server, can I use perfect new server or I have to do somethings?

    How can I restore databese file (/var/www/imscp/backups) (Can somebody to send script about this things - :) )?

    Is it complete restore script and description?




    I have a problem the I-MSCP with mail sender

    I have two server.
    1. External server
    2. My IMSCP server

    I use a the domain external server. Example:

    I add this domain ( to my I-MSCP server, but this domaint I don't want use IMSCP server, because I use the extrenal server. (Only I add domain the I-MSCP server)

    If I send a mail from Roundcube on the I don't know send it.

    I have got a error message:
    SMTP hiba (550): Nem sikerült a következő címzett hozzáadása: "" (5.1.1 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table)

    Server MAILOG-ja:
    Nov 12 18:27:43 fqhn postfix/smtpd[19803]: initializing the server-side TLS engine
    Nov 12 18:27:43 fqhn postfix/smtpd[19803]: connect from[XX.241.223.XX]
    Nov 12 18:27:43 fqhn postfix/smtpd[19803]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[XX.241.223.XX]: 550 5.1.1 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table; from= to= proto=ESMTP helo=
    Nov 12 18:27:43 fqhn postfix/smtpd[19803]: disconnect from[XX.241.223.XX]

    I understand, IMSCP first check the server domains and It try find external server after.

    My question:
    How can I disable this domain or email settings, that I-MSCP don't try to find this mailbox?.




    I have a two question:

    1. My VPS server became available the IP6 system.
    I would like to ask how can I check my I-MSCP, that is available?

    2. How can I setup the user "Web statics"? How Can I set the user name and password?




    I have a error I-MSCP (i-MSCP 1.1.0-rc4.3 released).

    I can perfect use the I-MSCP with Chrome (V: 30.0.1599.101), but I look the "" page, then nothing happens. Chrome try open the page and nothing happens.
    I try same it Firefox I can use perfect. I don't find error.

    I have got a e-mail "i-MSCP Exception Mail Writer - Exception raised"

    I try reboot the server but the error is got yet.

    Dear admin,

    An exception with the following message has been thrown in file
    /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Initializer.php (Line: 340):


    Unable to establish the connection to the database. SQL returned:
    SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

    Query was:


    Debug backtrace:

    File: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Initializer.php (Line: 137)
    Method: iMSCP_Initializer::_initializeDatabase()
    File: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Initializer.php (Line: 95)
    Method: iMSCP_Initializer::_processAll()
    File: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/environment.php (Line: 244)
    Method: iMSCP_Initializer::run()
    File: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/imscp-lib.php (Line: 148)
    Function: require_once()
    File: /var/www/imscp/gui/public/index.php (Line: 38)
    Function: require()

    Additional information:

    Http User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64)
    AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.101
    Request Uri: /
    Remote Addr: xxxx
    Server Addr: xxxx

    i-MSCP Exception Mail Writer

    I looked the I-MSCP setting and sub domain.

    I think my main problem, my I-MSCP don't make subdomain.

    I tried re-configure the I-MSCP and I repeat set the sub domain:

    server domain adresse ex: (not working) (not working)

    , but these domain name is not working.... ( I chek my browser the subdomain)

    How can fix the error? what is the problem?


    I would like use these domains with server (test domain). I can use web page, but I don't use mail. (I don't get e-mail. I think my MX rexord is wrong)

    Now, There domain services configured Zone File:

    Host Points To TTL
    @ XX.241.223.XX 1 Hour
    AAAA (IPv6 Host)

    I would like to ask how can I set the "DNS record", How do I set it, server be able to receive email.

    Where I need set it? My server or domain service?


    Not sure I understand you correctly. Did you add a MX record? What does the test on the link I provided say?


    I want to make a perfect (configured) name server domain name. This domain name recognize the domain name service (Goddady, 1 and 1, etc). It able to ask all data about my server (I-MSCP).

    Now, the name server is not working. I can't use is it. I have to use the domain service name servers. If I give the server IP, then I use the website, but I can't use the e-mail (MX record).

    E-mail: ;

    I would like to ask how can I configured the name server my site?



    What is not working?

    You can test your MX settings with this for example:


    I would like to ask the name server, dns config server and domain service connection.

    My vps server is running Debian.

    I have a domain name on the "".

    I would like to settings this domain on my I-MSCP server.

    I think, I good configured the name server, but It is not working perfect.

    Below I to ask for your help:
    1. Do you have any complex instructions (step by step)?
    2. How can I check my name server config? What I should I see?
    3. How can I setting (check) the MX record, what is the perfect settings?

    Thank you!



    I solve the problem!!!

    If you want migrate from Cpnal to I-MSCP then following steps to do it:

    1. Modify old server the Drupal file system

    Temporary directory:

    2. Download the Drupal directory from CPanel.
    3. phpMyAdmin export the Drupal database (only phpMyAdmin interface good)
    4. Upload the I-MSCP to Drupal files and import the phpMyAdmin the datase.
    5. Copy the drupal root directory the attached .htaccess file (this file you can get If make a new Drupal intsall the server) .




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