Posts by kassah

    is partial implemented (at setup you are asked how dns should perform master or slave). Some task are still required to be reviewed so will be implemented soon (after first) stable release.

    At the risk of derailing this, possibly there should be a combo second mail (addl. MX store and forward to the main instance) and dns backup autoinstaller.


    I'm not a fan of the jail/chroot, I've always found it a pain to add new binaries/keep the existing ones up to date.

    This sudo bit actually interests me. Would be nice to be able to switch accounts and log it.

    Another option is to allow the reseller to add a ssh key that would be added to authorized_keys in all the domains under his control. As log as the users could also drop in their own keys, this would allow everyone to be able to get in without sharing passwords.

    chroot ends up increasing the amount of work that we have to do as maintainers of i-MSCP, I'd much rather leave tasks like selecting which applications you can access from ssh to debian packages. That's my 10 cents anyway.

    Repository was moved since last night. You can checkout last trunk using either


    If you use git, you shouldn't need to export it. Since only the top directory has a .git dir (unlike svn which has a .svn in each and every directory)

    Although if you're looking for something like export you can use:

    1. mkdir trunk
    2. cd trunk
    3. curl | tar -zx --strip-components=1

    And then you don't need git installed on the server (just curl and tar)

    Edit: You could also use wget -O instead of curl

    Even with what daniel mentions. For FTP and PhpMyAdmin auto-logins we need the passwords at the gui level to push to the webmail/sql client. Because the webmail/sql client cannot connect with a hash, it needs a full password to do so.

    Well we already have the issue kilburn is trying to solve, instead of multiple servers we have multiple config. For instance, when a domain is added, it has to be added to apache, mail and dns. If any one of those fail, we currently just get stuck. (Doesn't happen often thankfully)

    - the i-MSCP Gui only reads&writes to the i-mscp database and does not need full MySQL root privileges

    We need to add more functionality to daemon in order to bypass full root privs. i.e. some way to ask the daemon "Does this database exist?" before we schedule it.

    For now, the virtual file system class creates a temporary FTP user and uses it to access the domain's files. Nevertheless, this can not be done if there's the "round-trip" of having to call the backend to create such user.

    I ran into this issue when doing net2ftp integration, we need some kind of gui accessible FTP. (scp/sftp with pub key auth maybe?)