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ich habe nun die Dateien geändert. {ACTIVATION_LINK} funktioniert dann immer noch nicht aber {ACTIVATE_LINK} schon. In der Email befindet sich ein Link wenn ich da drauf gehe sagt er das die Bestellung angelegt wurde.
Aber der Account wurde nicht aktiviert, muss das immer noch von Hand machen.
I've now changed the files. {} ACTIVATION_LINK still does not work but activate_link {} already. Is a link in the email when I walk on it because he says that the order was created.
But the account was not activated, it must still make the hand.
Hello ;
First, I'm sorry but I cannot speak German.
The mail sent to the customer is not intended to activate/create the new domain account automatically. The mail is intended to ask the user a confirmation to be sure that the mail is valid. Once the customer validated the order by clicking on the link in mail, the order is viewable by the reseller. Then, the reseller can validate or not the order.
Anyway, like explained in my previous answer, for now, the feature is broken because same if the user doesn't confirm the order by clicking on the link that it receives by email, the order is still viewable in reseller interface. It's a bug on which I'm currently working. Also, I'm currently working on order panel templates, which still use old theme.
The normal work flow is as follow:
1. The customer going to the order panel to order a new account
2. A mail is sent to the customer for confirmation
3. The user confirms the order by clicking on the link received in the mail
4. The order is make viewable and a mail is sent to the reseller to inform it about the new order received
5. The reseller validates the order
6. The customer receive a new mail with all relevant information for connection to the control panel (such as username and password).
To resume, thanks to be patient. All the issues will be fixed tomorrow.
gOOvER or other German friends: Can you translate my words in German ?