It would be great for there to be a webalizer plugin as it would give another stat opton and also webalizer gives good clean visitor 'access logs'
Will be added as addon.
It would be great for there to be a webalizer plugin as it would give another stat opton and also webalizer gives good clean visitor 'access logs'
Will be added as addon.
Enhancement - i-MSCP tools are now know as i-MSCP addon and are available on
Today, we added composer support for i-MSCP. That allows us to keep our main repository free of any 3rd party tool such as PhpMyAdmin, AjaxPlorer and Roundcube... From now, when you will download an i-MSCP release or clone our main repository, the tools will no longer be there. Instead, the installer will fetch them automatically when needed.
That allows:
Of course, to avoid to the installer to fetch the packages again and again, a cache has been implemented. You can force cleanup of that cache by using the --clean-addons command line option available for both the imscp-autoinstall script and the imscp-setup script. use the --help option to see all available command line options.
What next ?
In near future, the installer will ask you about what addons you want install and we will add several alternatives such as
- AfterLogic :
MySQL Web administration tools
- MyWebSQL :
- Adminer :
- Chive :
- DbNinja :
- phpMyBackupPro :
Web Statistics tools
- Piwik :
- eXtplorer :
Of course, you will be able to install many of them at same time.
You can see list of available addon for i-MSCP here:
Feel free to ask fof other addon.
Thanks for using i-MSCP
Where can I find some howtos about packages?
Look at our wiki and at the code of packages already available.
You must now update your clone by doing:
And then, you can rerun the installer.
Well, I'll fix now. I'm back in 10 minutes.
i like the new install interface with 1.1.0-rc1:)
A lot of changes... Try imscp-autoinstall -? To see all command line options
Thanks for using i-MSCP.
Where can i download 1.1.0-rc1? On the Forum-Announcements ist still the beta2.
Just do on the target system (as root) :
And then, to run the i-MSCP auto-installer:
Note: The 1.1.0-rc1 version is not released yet and so, you have to clone our git repository as show above.
Thanks for using i-MSCP.
I'll support other forks, if you do not mind (I have a lot of contacts, which need such help).
You do not have to blackmail. You start bad ... Well, I'll let that on the barrier language.. I'll add you in our team but please, stop such talk.
anarking - Sounds awesome, and as gOOvER said, created a ticket for feature request and I am pretty sure it will be implemented.
I'll add it in master (as replacement if you want)