Posts by Nuxwin

    Good evening,

    First please you should update to latest i-MSCP version.

    Regarding your question: If the subdomain doesn't exist, it is the expected behavior. When a domain or subdomain doesn't exist, Apache will redirect to the first domain found. You don't give us sufficient information so we give you general answer.


    Good evening,

    If I understand well your setup:

    1. You have the NS1 and NS2 slave DNS servers managed by an ispCP instance and which are the public DNS used by your end-users
    2. You have many i-MSCP instances running their own authoritative master DNS server for the domains they manage but which are not publicky accessible
    3. The NS1 and NS2 slave DNS servers which are managed by your ispCP instance pull zone data from various i-MSCP instances DNS servers

    Does I understood correct?

    Problem: NS1 and NS2 zones get expired after one week, right?

    The question here is how the transfer is made? As I see, transfer from your i-MSCP master DNS server is only allowed locally.

    No. You cannot without breaking i-MSCP. We did already answered that question many time and also say that PHP versions 7.2, 7.3 will be supported in next i-MSCP version. Now, you're free to play but if you break something, don't ask there for support.

    Thread closed.

    it's an ip-set blacklist which make use of some major BL too f.ex. Spamhaus ... attacking IP addresses are set to reject and in this case the letsencrypt verification server was blocked. It's not a plugin issue but maybe this information helps when using external blacklists or fail2ban RBL rejects too.

    That's what I wanted to know. Basically put, you have a 3rd-party software which consume external services to seed your netfilter. Doing this can be a bit tedious as you saw. I prefer to blacklist IP addresses based on other euristics than a 3rd-party service like RBL.

    Thank you for your explanation anyway.

    yep, the letsencrypt IP address is blacklisted (Spamhaus SBL-XBL Combined Block List) ... if anyone uses ip-set blacklists you should whitelist

    1. - - [04/Mar/2019:10:14:06 +0100] "GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/spx1448aEpmFztj0kBCis5VLOKgrfjuH8ty28JdYJRA HTTP/1.1" 200 87 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Let's Encrypt validation server; +"
    2. - - [04/Mar/2019:10:14:06 +0100] "GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/6TMquHMqNbH6eGIC2WUxwFkdY4t3EtYaoF9tiL3GZmM HTTP/1.1" 200 87 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Let's Encrypt validation server; +"

    I'm sorry but this has nothing to do with our plugin... Do you have a FW which rely on Spamhaus SBL-XBL to block an IP? Please elaborate a bit more because I don't get you right.

    Okay, yes, this way I understood,
    So there is no way to set the default version on all customers at once or set a default that is automatically used on newly created customers?

    Currently, there is no way to set default PHP version for all customers as per PhpSwitcher plugin provided PHP versions. That something we could add in a later version.

    Right now, the default PHP version for new domains and subdomains is the system PHP version, that is, the one you have choose during i-MSCP installation. You can always change the system default PHP version by re-running the i-MSCP installer: perl imscp-autoinstall -dr php. The selected version will be the PHP version used by the i-MSCP control panel, but also the default PHP version for the domains and subdomains.

    Hope you understand me right.


    How can we change the default version in the plugin?

    I couldn't find that in the documentation.

    You need switch to the customer interface, then in the "domains" section, you'll see a new menu on left, labeled "PHP Switcher". Through this interface, you can switch between various PHP versions, on a per site basis. You need just to select the site on which you want operate on, then select the PHP version you want use. On selection, the frontEnd will automatically schedule a PHP version change.