Posts by momo

    Pas simplement et 10/10 sur mail-tester est très bien.

    Approndir postfix est un + (ex : rallentir le débit d'envoi vers certains fournisseurs)

    Vous inscrire au Smart Network Data Service (snds) est un début.
    Voir ce ReturnPath pense de vous

    Assurez vous d'avoir de bonnes pratiques

    Soyez patient,

    Hello Akinos, you can experiment with
    in /etc/courier/pop3d-ssl

    Check out the commented lines in pop3d-ssl for available options

    Some lame mail client will require something like


    Une chose que j'aime de iMSCP, c'est pas du tout "bloated".
    J'espère que ça restera ainsi.

    Dans "panneau d'admin", il y a le mot "admin". Il y a plein de choses de cette liste qui se fait facilement en backend.

    Le point 5 : vraiment n'importe quoi

    Hey guys,

    I would like to migrate my opendkim by hand 2 the opendkim imscp plugin

    But can't find the archive at the plugin store

    Should I try to install from Github (no archive there either)


    For some reason I can't post in the original thread.

    I have just migrated from 1.0.3 to 1.1.1 and I am so thrilled by the new project architecture. Everywhere I put my eyes, I like what I see ( backend - frontend )

    The upgrade process went very well : some problems but they all came from my own stuff and where NOT imscp related

    I want to congrats all devs, and I must say that I am looking at the dev section very often and there is not a week that pass without having a thankful though for the tremendous works made by Nuxwin. I am very impressed by this project and the overall direction it is taking.

    Huge THX to all you guys.