Posts by kilburn

    Hi guys,

    I am installing i-mscp on a virtual machine right now, and I have some suggestions.

    1. In the installation page of the wiki, step 4 tells you to secure the mysql installation. However, my system is completely clean at this point (no packages installed, so no mysql server). Therefore, I suggest moving this step to after the setup has run. Would there be any problem with this change? Changed.

    2. During the setup, I can choose between "apache_fcgi" and "apache_itk". I'm sorry but this makes no sense :P We need more accurate names for these. As far as "apache_fcgi" goes, I know that it uses the "worker_mpm + mod_fcgi" combination (because that's what the other project used). About "apache_itk", I can *not* figure out if it consists on "apache_itk + mod_fcgi" or "apache_itk + mod_php". I guess I can discover this by reading the source or just getting it installed, but the descriptions in this choice should be improved so that competent admins can properly identify the coices they are offered. Furthermore, some recommendation should be given for "rookie" admins that don't know anything about apache, mpm's, handling php and stuff...

    3. I am offered a "Cancel" option when choosing between alternative implementations for the services. However, nothing happens if I select "Cancel" (to either go back or abort the installation). We should either remove the "Cancel" choice or make it operational.

    4. (nitpick) In the choices again, it is not clear to me what happens when I select a different choice (without marking it by pressing space) and then hit Intro. Did I just "okayed" the marked choice, or the one that was hovered (selected but not marked)? I still don't know the answer :P

    5. Do we really need selection screens for services where we have no alternatives (e.g.: smtp/postfix and ftp/proftpd)?

    6. There are lots of choices to make during the installation. This is great for professional/advanced admins, but we also have some users who are not that technically advanced. Therefore, I suggest adding an "easy" installation mode that skips all these choices, by simply installing the defaults.

    I may keep updating this post as I proceed through the installation... :P


    Feb 14 22:00:15 server named[5867]: error (network unreachable) resolving '': 2001:678:2::53#53

    It looks like your server is trying to query over IPv6 first, and hence your error. If you don't use IPv6 (it looks like you don't), then I would try removing the IPv6 address from the /etc/hosts localhost line.

    The debian's php packages always load the configuration snippets found inside "/etc/php5/conf.d", even if you specify an alternative configuration file. Look inside that folder to see how other (debian-provided) extensions are setup using this method.


    Seem that things are complicated.... - maybe we need a button "open backup folder for some hours to upload an older backup"... ?

    So you setup a blinded door to keep hackers outside. But the door prevents you from entering, so then you install a big button right next to the door that unlocks it for a while when pressed. Duh! :P

    Seriously, being hacked is a good enough reason to CONTACT YOUR ADMIN, who can analyze the issue properly (because she can access all the logs), propose you a good solution, *and* restore any "old" backups you want...


    Okay. So I have to change the configs by my own. Thanks for the info.

    That wasn't the point. The point is that you *can not* use two different certificates under the same IP address, because the certificate is sent to the client BEFORE he specifies which host is he going to request. This is a limitation of the SSL protocol itself, so no amount of configuration (manual or otherwise) will allow you to do that.

    @Sci2tech: Daniel, if I remember correctly, the imscp-autoinstaller avoided copying any ".svn" folders when performing the installation. However, since we have switched to git, it should now (also?) avoid copying the ".git" folder from the root of the tree. Is the installer already doing this? Otherwise it would be a nice addition ;)

    You should be able to accomplish what you want using simple redirections in the "" and "" virtualhosts.

    Basically, in these VirtualHosts you only need to add a single redirection (everything else except for the ServerAdmin, DocumentRoot and ServerAlias in there can be safely deleted):

    1. RedirectMatch permanent /(.*)$$1

    And that should do it...

    If you've screwed up the password then there is no way to recover it from anywhere. However, you can change it directly from within mysql. You can use the "debian-sys-maint" user (its password is in the /etc/mysql/debian.cnf file) to login to mysql with admin rights, and fiddle with the user and privileges from there. One-liner for the login:

    1. mysql -udebian-sys-maint -p`grep password /etc/mysql/debian.cnf|head -n1|awk '{print $3}'`

    I would recommend you to delete the current user, create a new one, give it rights to access the ispcp database, and then use that info in the installer.

    I must have been drunk or something when I wrote that XD. First, you're totally right in that I made the calculation using Kb's instead of Mb's (which was my proposal of unit to use). Second, I wanted to refer to "unsigned int", not "big int" in the last part :S


    CONCAT('*:bytes=', `quota` * 1024*1024, 'B') AS 'userdb_quota_rule'

    Have you noticed the 'B' in here? I think we could safely change this to 'M' (meaning that we could specify quotas from -2TB to 2TB with int, 0-4TB with biging). More than enough and no ugly quota*1024 hacks...