Posts by UncleSam

    @Nuxwin ok thanks for the information - currently I think this is broken at my system at the moment (why ever and I have no idea if this can be repaired). But as I do not need it and I-MSCP is doing it without chattr I stay on this system till the new ubuntu arrives and I-MSCP is supporting it.

    Hi there,

    on my server I have some troubles regarding the log mounts. So I decided to turn them off because I am the only one using it and I can take a look into /var/log/apache2/ whenever I need.

    But there is one strange thing which maybe need to be checked:
    After editing the /etc/imscp/apache/ and switching MOUNT_CUSTOMER_LOGS to no I was unable to reconfigure. The reason was, that the reconfigure script is unable to remove the /var/www/virtual/domain.tld/logs folder. As I checked it it was still flagged with the immutable flag to prevent its deletion. For me the only solution was to switch it on again, reconfigure, removing web protection using imscp panel and to do it again. Then it worked without any troubles.

    So maybe the reconfigure is not checking for immutable flag if it is removing the mounted log folders?!?

    Please keep in mind that there could be a problem on my server - maybe:…-protection/?postID=58190

    Make sure that the e2fsprogs package is installed on your system.

    hm that is the strange thing, it is installed and i also tried to reinstall it. But chattr is not available. I checked to set it using the webinterface and it seems to work if I do it using I-MSCP panel. So maybe I-MSCP is doing it without chattr?

    Maybe my system is fucked up right now, I do not know but I hope not. But it needs to keep on running till the next Ubuntu Server LTS release is out and I-MSCP is supporting it.

    ok I found something using chattr +i or chattr -i but for some reasons my Ubuntu 16.04 is telling me that the command "chattr" was not found.

    Any idea how this could happen and how to fix that?

    Hi there,

    I tried to search for it but was unable to get any result:
    The filesystem can be protected using I-MSCP panel. What do I have to do to remove it for one folder or to set it again?

    Ok a new config file was created and howto updated according to it. Please see changelog what got changed.

    Additional information:
    Currently I am using rspamd as the only solution to fight against spam and with the last configuration it is working very good. As my mail server is not under heavy bombardement of spammers you might check it out first before doing it the same way.

    Important changes:
    A bug prevented that ioncube was getting an update. So the new version does remove old package and folder before downloading it again. Reason is, that by downloading it the system appends ".1", ".2", ... and so on an that was the reason why old version were used. The new version also included some fixes and 7.2 preperation (as soon as it is here it should work) - check out the changelog area.


    This is deprecated because of PhpSwitcher version 5.0.0 release!

    Hi there,

    as I saw that there is already a php 7.2 version I just wanted to ask if it is planned to be included in phpswitcher?
    (Do not need it currently just wanted to know it)

    As you know an email has different parts. If you send one you have a field for sender, cc, bcc, subject and the text (so called body). If you then send this mail the mail server includes your mail address into an internal field that the receiver knows who sent it.

    In your case the sender of the webform is always because this is configured for this webpage (see e.g. "Return-Path" or "Sender" in the raw mail you gave us). It does not matter what gets inserted in the webform because the webform script only sends a mail by putting all webform information together and puts it into the mail text. You can see that beginning at line 37 of the raw mail.

    To translate it to an email client, the mail is sent using this:

    • To:
    • Subject: Monica Lüscher "Testmail Betreffend Autoresponder"
    • Body:
    1. Von: Juerg Schwarz <>
    2. Betreff: Testmail Betreffend Autoresponder
    3. Ihre Meldung:
    4. Dies wäre die Mitteilung eines Kunden: Autoresponder ist off.
    5. --
    6. Diese Email wurde von der Webseite Monica Lüscher ( gesendet.

    And now this mail is sent using the mail account So the auto responder wants to respond to You can do this as often as you want but it would not work the way you want/need it.