Posts by UncleSam

    Hi there,

    i found a possibility to update from PHP 5.3 to PHP 5.4 (

    My questions are:

    • Is there anyone who already updated PHP to version 5.4?
    • Is I-MSCP PHP 5.4 ready?

    Short information:
    I am using a file upload script. If I use PHP version 5.4 or newer there will be a upload progress bar. It's only a "nice to have" feature so I wanted to ask if it's possible at ... no risk?? ;)

    This is a small howto to generate a webdav directory as subdirectory (alias) inside a domain. It's maybe not the best way, but it is working without any problems on my server!

    My Server:
    - Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS
    - iMSCP 1.1.0-rc1.4
    - Apache2 with fcgi

    No idea if this is working for another linux distribution or if you do not use fcgi!

    All commands and configurations are made with user "root". If you have login to root disabled you have to use "sudo" as prefix for each comand.

    BACKUP YOUR FILES FIRST! This howto is at your own risk!

    First you have to enable the apache2 mod for dav:

    1. a2enmod dava2enmod dav_fs

    Now restart apache2:

    1. service apache2 restart

    Go to the directory of your domain (e.g. "/var/www/virtual/domain.tld") and create two directories:

    1. mkdir webdavmkdir webdavConfig

    webdav: folder with your webdav files
    webdavConfig: folder with webdav config files

    Change folder permissions:

    1. chown -c vu2xxx:www-data webdavConfigchown -c www-data:www-data webdav

    Replace vu2xxx with the user of your domain!

    Create empty config files:

    1. cd webdavConfigtouch .htpasswdtouch lockdb

    Change file permissions:

    1. chown -c vu2xxx:www-data .htpasswdchown -c vu2xxx:www-data lockdb

    Replace vu2xxx with the user of your domain!

    Add a user to your webdav space:

    1. htpasswd .htpasswd user

    For more information how to add/del users: "htpasswd --help"

    Go to directory "/etc/apache2/imscp" and open the webpage configuration for the domain you created the folders in (e.g. domain.tld.conf or subdomain.tld.conf).

    Now add the following lines:

    1. Alias /webdav "/var/www/virtual/domain.tld/webdav"DavLockDB "/var/www/virtual/domain.tld/webdavConfig/lockdb"<Directory "/var/www/virtual/domain.tld/webdav"> DAV on Options +Indexes AuthType Basic AuthName "Webdav" AuthUserFile "/var/www/virtual/domain.tld/webdavConfig/.htpasswd" Require valid-user</Directory>

    Note: If you are using one of the latest i-MSCP RC release, you must create the webdav and webdavConfig directories inside the 00_private directory.

    Restart your apache2 again to enable this configuration:

    1. service apache2 restart

    Now you can access http://domain.tld/webdav by browser or by using webdav tools like NetDrive. If you have a ssl cert for your domain you can also access the webdav folder by https!

    If you create the folders inside the "/var/www/virtual/domain.tld" iMSCP backup is creating a backup of it! (but I think it is not creating a backup of the edited /etc/apache2/imscp/domain.tld.conf file)

    yes...edit in: /var/www/imscp/engine/backup/imscp-backup-all

    line: (118) :

    1. my $date<------>= strftime "%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M", localtime;


    1. my $date<------>= strftime "%Y.%m.%d-%H-%M", localtime;

    Thanks I try it!

    - works, thank you!

    Hi there,

    I want to backup all my Servers with a Windows Backup tool.

    There is a problem on downloading files containing a ":" in its name for the Windows file system. Is there a way to remove or replace the ":" from the time in the filenames?


    I know the Plek panel (while ago ;) ) and there were only options to add a list and users.

    Everything else can be managed with the mailman admin panel i think.

    (only setting up a new list and jump to the admin panel would be great too because everything can be configured inside the admin interface of mailman)