Posts by lpde

    And here the reporting facts:

    i-MSCP 1.5.3
    Build: 2018120800
    Codename: Ennio Morricone

    Here the extract:

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::Bootstrapper::boot: Booting backend....

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::LockFile::acquire: Acquiring exclusive lock on /var/lock/imscp.lock

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: LetsEncrypt (ID 1)

    [DEBUG] Modules::Plugin::_executePluginAction: Executing run( ) action on Plugin::LetsEncrypt

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::Execute::execute: /bin/systemctl is-active apache2

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::Provider::Service::Abstract::_exec: active

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: SpamAssassin (ID 2)

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Plugin tasks for: RoundcubePlugins (ID 4)

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::ServerIP tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::ServerIP

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::SSLcertificate tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::SSLcertificate

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::User tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::User

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Domain tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::Domain

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Subdomain tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::Subdomain

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Alias tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::Alias

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::SubAlias tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::SubAlias

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::CustomDNS tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::CustomDNS

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::CustomDNS tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::CustomDNS

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::FtpUser tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::FtpUser

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Mail tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::Mail

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Htpasswd tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::Htpasswd

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Htgroup tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::Htgroup

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Htaccess tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::Htaccess

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::SubAlias tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::SubAlias

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Alias tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::Alias

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Subdomain tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::Subdomain

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::Domain tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::Domain

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: Processing Modules::User tasks...

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: No task to process for Modules::User

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::Execute::execute: perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-pkt-mngr 'WyIxIiwiMiIsImRydXBhbC04LjcuNSIsInRvYWRkIiwibm8iXQ=='

    [DEBUG] iMSCP::LockFile::release: Releasing exclusive lock on /var/lock/imscp.lock

    [FATAL] iMSCP::DbTasksProcessor::processDbTasks: cp: cannot stat ‘/var/www/imscp/gui/data/persistent/softwares/2/drupal-8.7.5-1.tar.gz’: No such file or directory at /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 400.

    Thanks for answering!

    The server is running on world wide web.

    When I call the index.html on the subdomain it's actually the same (cf. attachment).

    I made the redirection by the config in the domain-settings (as you can see in the screenshot).

    Thx und BR

    Hi there,

    I created a domain with an german Umlaut (ü) and redirected to another domain.

    After a while I would like to start installing Drupal on that account.

    Cause PHP didn't worked (approx. caused by myself- I firstly forgot to allow it) I deleted the account.

    Even after new-creating it, the domain does event redirect.

    However, alternatively I would start installing it on a subdomain "19", but even calling up the "index.html" file in /htdocs/19/ doesn't work (always error 404).

    Does anyone know the problem or may help?

    Thx and kind regards

    Hallo zusammen,

    folgendes Szenario:

    Ich habe eine Domain angelegt und zunächst auf eine andere weitergeleitet.

    Jetzt wollte ich mir die Zeit nehmen und auf die Domain die entsprechende Website mit Drupal installieren.

    Weil PHP nicht funktionierte habe ich die Domain jetzt gelöscht und neu angelegt -- leider leitet sie immer noch weiter, obwohl ich die Weiterleitung nirgends mehr drin habe.

    Jetzt habe ich mir eine Subdomain eingerichtet - auf die das System sowieso laufen sollte - diese liegt unter /htdocs/19/.

    Beim Aufruf einer normalen php-Datei zum Test findet er die nicht. Leider auch nicht bei normalen html-Dateien.

    Weiß jemand, woran das liegen kann?

    Die Domain beinhaltet (leider) einen Umlaut - hätte ich da etwas beachten müssen?

    Danke & VG