Posts by cproinfo

    Hi All..

    As I found the solution, I share with the community.

    Note, when you have to use SASL in postfix, be sure to have libsasl2-modules installed on your system.

    1. # apt-get install libsasl2-modules

    And Voila !!!

    Sorry for the noise.

    Hi everyone...

    So I found that I need to run the installer...

    so :

    1. # locate imscp-autoinstall
    2. # cd /where/the/file/is/located
    3. # perl imscp-autoinstall -dr mta

    But now I got this error :

    1.[]:587, delay=5.6, delays=0.08/0.02/5.5/0, dsn=4.7.0, status=deferred (SASL authentication failed; cannot authenticate to server[]: no mechanism available

    Here is part of the ""

    1. relay_domains = hash:/etc/postfix/imscp/relay_domains
    2. relay_recipient_maps =
    3. relay_transport = relay
    4. relayhost = []:587
    5. smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
    6. smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_passwd
    7. smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
    8. smtp_sasl_type = cyrus

    Does anyone have an idea ?

    Many Thanks

    Hi everyone,

    I'm facing a problem when customers sends emails, sometimes the mail is returned for some dark reasons.

    My server is hosted by OVH and I need to use their SMTP server to send the mails.

    I read this post : Separate e-mail server

    So i did a :

    1. # cd /etc/imscp/listeners.d/
    2. # wget
    3. # chgrp imscp

    I modified the values in th file to use OVH ones

    Saved the file...

    And now ?

    I don't know what to do?

    The in the postfix directory isn't modified..

    Do I need to restart something ?

    Thanks a lot for any help

    Bonjour tout le monde

    Je me posais la question de comment faire pour ajouter un serveur MariaDB que l'on pourrait administrer avec phpMyAdmin.
    En effet, mon serveur iMSCP possède son propre serveur MariaDB mais j'en ai également un autre et je voudrais pouvoir l'administrer avec le phpMyAdmin qui tourne sur le serveur iMSCP.

    Comment peut on faire ?

    Merci d'avance de votre aide.

    Hi @Nuxwin
    I already view this link, but sorry I'm not used to "tracker system".

    What's the goal of your answer ?
    I think I understand that it's not possible to add this feature for the moment, because iMSCP is intended to work with Debian Jessie, but the Bind package is too old to deal withe new format of the CAA record.
    If it's that, why not allow this feature only If the bind version is OK ?

    Thanks for your reply.

    Hi all

    I got a proposition in order to deal with CAA records.
    I'd to deal with this when I wanted to get a letsencrypt SSL Certificate since my domains are managed on the iMSCP server I installed.

    I found that modifying the Bind template according to Bind version is functionnal.
    Mine is installed on Debian Stretch so Bind is in version

    So just use this command :

    vim /etc/imscp/bind/parts/db.tpl

    And then in the "GLUE" part of the template, add these lines

    1. ; dmn CAA entries BEGIN
    2. {DOMAIN_NAME}. CAA 128 issue ""
    3. {DOMAIN_NAME}. CAA 128 issue ""
    4. {DOMAIN_NAME}. CAA 128 issue ""
    5. ; dmn CAA entries ENDING

    Save (Esc + : + x)

    On the i-MSCP Control Panel, just edit the domain parameters (as domain owner of course) and click "update"

    You're on :thumbsup: !

    The files generated for bind are compliant with "letsencrypt" and some others SSL Vendors.

    My only question is : What append when i-MSCP is updated ?

    Thanks for reading and commenting.