gracias kurgans, perdona por el retras
Posts by morgan
me da este error Modules::Domain::_loadData: Domain with ID 1 has not been found or is in an inconsistent state
alguna idea?
solo tiene dos dominios esa maquina.
Hola a todos.
Sabeis como se puede controlar el correo saliente con spamassassin, cada vez que un cliente se ienfecta hata que lo controlo me banean la ip de ese en listas negras.
Un saudo y gracias de entemano por vuestra ayuda -
Hola en el panel al añadirle mas ips se supone que el las añade a la configuración del sistema o eso dice el panel pero nos es asi de echo si tengo alguna configurada por ejemplo eth0:1 la borra y en el ifconfig desaparece.
Alguna idea?
Thanks any idea how to do that?
Know if there is any sciprt to move domains from one server to another imscp again?thank you
tengo la version 1.1.17ycuando voy a entrar en el revendedor me ale este error:
An error has been encounteredAn exception with the following message has been thrown in file /var/www/imscp/gui/library/shared-functions.php (Line: 2529):
SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: no parameters were bound
Query was:
SELECT * FROM domain WHERE domain_id = ?
pantallazo del error en custion:
Alguna idea?
Hello housemates happened to you this: I get the error when starting apache :
FastCgiExternalServer : redefinition of with previously defined class " / var/lib/apache2/fastcgi/ "
Action ' configtest ' failed .to go have to go sites.enables and within the domain settings and comment these lines
# FastCGIExternalServer / var/lib/apache2/fastcgi/ \
#- Socket / var/run/ \
# -Idle -timeout 300 \
# -Pass -header Authorizationstarts but then if I will slow the web
hi any idea housemates has happened to this : I get error when starting apache :
FastCgiExternalServer : redefinition of with previously defined class " / var/lib/apache2/fastcgi/ "
Action ' configtest ' failed .to go have to go sites.enables and within the domain settings and comment these lines
# FastCGIExternalServer / var/lib/apache2/fastcgi/ \
#- Socket / var/run/ \
# -Idle -timeout 300 \
# -Pass -header Authorizationstarts but then if I will slow the web
any thoughts ?
hola compis os ha pasado esto: me da error al arrancar el apache :
FastCgiExternalServer: redefinition of previously defined class "/var/lib/apache2/fastcgi/"
Action 'configtest' failed.para que vaya tengo que ir a sites.enables y dentro de la configuracion del dominio y comentar estas lineas
# FastCGIExternalServer /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi/ \
# -socket /var/run/ \
# -idle-timeout 300 \
# -pass-header Authorizationentonces si arranca pero me va lenta la web
alguna idea?
I have not touched anything, I've rebooted, I do not understand why I said that.
options in the wordpress software is not in Spanish could put it?thanks